Friday, April 1, 2016

Cheers to the new you and me

How much do you love yourself ? Lots ? Lil ? Very Lil Remember the Kareena Kapoor dialogue from Jab we met " I am my favorite" Can you say that about yourself .

Some where along the way , we got too busy with life. Stopped believing in fairy tales and magic. Became "practical" and started "compromising and adjusting" to life. Remember those college days, when you were in love with yourself, had big dreams and life filled with friends, to where you stand today staring at this self. Will that most popular person in college recognize this face.  

The “monkey mind”—a Buddhist term for the distracted rattle, buzz-buzz, what-should-I-do-what-do-I-do? —was never designed to solve problems.

Lets start from today, lets bring back the magic into life.

Make a list of 100 things you wanna do and achieve... too long okay 50 ? Alright settle for 25 ? 

When I sat down to write mine a couple of years back, it
sounded somewhat like this
  1. Find a new (good) job closer to home. ( I was spending 3 hours commuting at that time)
  2. Learn something new. ( No idea whatso ever it was)
  3. Make new friends (Hadn't made any since college)
  4. Take parents on a "big" vacation (Had not been anywhere outside of India)
  5. Get healthy plan ( Go for walk every evening ? Gym, uumm will figure out)
  6. Read more book (Find a library near home)
  7. Go for swimming every weekend
  8. Buy my first diamond 
  9. Start investing
  10. Attend professional conferences or do something to keep myself updated
  11. Plan for vacations more often
  12. Buy a house (Didn't even have money for down payment) 
  13. Upgrade my car
  14. Be more patient with my son ( Obviously means spend quality time)
  15. Be on time ( If you can't be on time, be early atleast)
  16. Get a new hair style (Total make over, always had long hair, so boy cut maybe)
Not in any particular order, but just penned down my list of things to do. A lot of those would not need any additional money. In fact,after the first 10 or 15 you will have no material things to look forward for". I challenge you, Try it. 

I have so far reached line item 21 and is ready to move from first 25 to 50. This one I learnt from Robin Sharma. He is one of my favorite :-) even got a selfie with him. Jokes apart,
Is it difficult ? Its not. The conscious mind was designed for just two things—to identify problems and formulate goals. Most of the times we aren't even conscious of what we want.

If the Genie were to appear tonight what are your 3 wishes ??

Do you have clarity ? Have you prioritized ?
Okay, tell me wots your third wish ? After lots of money and being a snow white beauty.  
Lets meditate, grab our partners and confess our greatest fears. Lets do all kinds of things that will help us get to the bottom of our third wish.

Give it a try and lets see what comes out..

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