Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mystery Eyes

It was a hot summer afternoon. Sunday Soul Sante was in full spree. I and my girls friends have been waiting for this summer edition for a long time. Fun, frolic and entertainment. Soul Sante is my favorite event in the city. You get to see the fashionista , the art lovers, foodies, all under one roof. The atmosphere is just electric.

This is probably my third outing to the Sante and I have always noticed this tarot reader who is a regular at the event. Have always been fascinated with tarot readers. There is some kind of mystery in their eyes. As if they have access to a world beyond you. Some karmic connection. I don’t believe in astrology or godmen or anything that defies logic. Yet this lady, who  in her late 40’s attracted me soo much. Extremely beautiful, with long straight hair, and those silver streaks gave her an elegant touch. Her eyes were deep… hazel eyes. You get drawn into them.

I kept watching her , standing at a distance. Her clients were two college girls. They wanted to know about career direction. She was so patient with them, counseling one of the girls that she should join her father in the family business and should not even think twice. I was quite impressed by her approach and counseling and decided to give it a try.

What I was about to experience is something totally unexpected and was completely new to me. She offered me a seat and we exchanged a few pleasantries. She explained the rate card. A full tarot reading which covers all aspects of your life career, finances, relationships etc. or you could ask two questions. I chose the latter. She asked for my birthdate and closed her eyes for 10 seconds. “Sometime during the middle of last year you decided to break free from all ties, friends and family and you wanted to explore the world at your own terms, this year you did achieve or do some of those things in your list of to-do’s, You are a free spirit !! ” My eyes literally popped out. Here I am sitting across a complete stranger wearing a pair of black jeans and a full sleeve top ( there was no power at home and so could not iron any of my cotton tops) no funky jewellery, no nothing that could give her any hint about what kinda personality I am.I was bowled !!

She went on to talk about “love” and gave me a lil gyan about it. Honestly I was too shocked to even concentrate or even understand what she was trying to tell me about love.

She said, this year am moving closer to God. Donno if that’s true cos I feel am moving away. Yes I do thank god almighty for everything I have in life..but lack a purpose or dream or even a wish list.
We moved on to relationships. I have never been a relationship keeper, so this is a vulnerable area.” You are a strong person, you have very high expectations from others and when they fail you find it very hard to accept it. There is lot of work that you need to do in this area. Let your anger out, holding it inside will make you burst. Start doing things for others when they aren’t asking for it.” You always do things when friends and family asks for it, however what will help you build solid connection is when you do without them asking or even before they ask. ” So what is your first question ? I fumbled with words as I didn’t really have one. ” Its the same , why do I have difficulties with relationships, in general for eg : it starts with my mother ” She goes on to explain that “expectations are the cause” and I keep wondering, Is that so ? What expectations do I have from Mom ?

And then she says ” You cannot accept it when someone tells you what to do , whereas you expect others to follow what you say ” There ..she said it ! That’s so much me … It was like someone from inside me was talking. Who else would know me so very well.

“Will I meet my soul mate anytime soon ??” She spreads the tarot cards and picked one which had the image of “twin flames” says, yes ofcourse. July is a good time. You need to be open to it. You have to believe that you are “worthy” of it. Go in with an open mind and things will unfold. There are blocks within you which you need to let go and cleanse your relationships until then. I was pretty much done. Didn’t have another question. What else could I ask ? Will I get a promotion ? That conversation I already had with my wonderful Boss,  last week. Finances are in order. House ..no don’t need another one. Enough of EMI non-sense. New car, well …choose the model, go to the showroom and pick the colour. I took my wallet out and she says, no we aren’t done yet.
She spreads the cards again and asks me pick one, I picked one and handed over to her. Come’on it was too much of a coincidence the same card ‘twin flames’ , and we both couldn’t resist laughing.
She continued chatting about life and relationships. We said bye to each other and I was ready to move on…She had touched my life..so dearly. Thank you Universe

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