Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Learn from your mistakes. Read between the lines.

So you are still trying hard ...to compromise and make it happen.. You got to talk to your innerself. Its the most difficult decision. But defenitly worth your tears and fears. How long do you wanna live under this agony, in pain and soreness that tear you down ? There are a million factors, parents, children, society, money, security ..the list is never ending. The decision is yours and the no one else but you got to live thru.

Rachana Sharma says If you think that these ideas do not work for you, you can start saving money to buy another house , not for your spouse, but for yourself.

1. Marriages are made in heaven but lived on earth.
2. Enjoy the toast if you bought a toaster and juice in case of juicer. Accept that toaster will remain toaster throughout its life. If you open up all of its parts in order to turn it into juicer, beware!! It will be of no use to you.
3. To teach a grown up it is sufficient to mention once or twice. If it is ignored it shows that the person is not ready to be taught yet. To teach somebody, sometimes silence works better and sometimes actions and, trust me, they are louder than our screams and shouts. But if they continue to ignore, the message is clear and loud to you ...Quit trying to impose !!
4. By no means you can make other person ‘understand’ something if he or she is not willing to understand first...Don't waste you energy on never ending arguments.
5. Differences are not always meant to be sorted out; many of them can be enjoyed. And every wrong need not to be corrected.
6. Never lose your focus in life in exchange for the high hopes of marriage. Always have at least one passion in which you can absorb yourself. That is the only key to fulfillment.

Go ahead , live life the way you love it .....

Make the bullies history - Shobha De

As a woman in India, I want to take my personal freedom for granted. Same as men. I am not asking for favours or demanding any concessions from society. All I am saying is, "Leave me alone to decide what is good for me." I don't want to be patronised or talked down to by a bunch of men, or even one man. Anybody, for that matter, even another woman. I hate the arrogance implicit in that. Why should any person believe he or she knows what is in my interests and in the larger interests of society? As an educated, urban adult, I am my own sole responsibility. I am looking for neither protection nor patronage. If I do make mistakes, they are my own, and the responsibility for the same rests with me.

Women remain India's most vulnerable minority. If we allow our agenda to be hijacked by mean-spirited, narrow-minded bigots, we have had it. Not only have we had it, but our daughters and their daughters have had it, too. We are obliged to speak up; no, shout out our objections, here and now, and make sure we are heard.

The only way forward is to form pressure groups and prosecute men like the Mangalore Molesters and the Bengaluru Beasties. For that to happen, we need sufficient numbers to participate in satyagrahas across India. Civil Disobedience brought down an empire not so long ago. These bullies are a piece of toast. Let us make them history.
